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Nautical chart - Pas-Caart vant Canaal vertoonende in't Gheheel Engelandt, Schotlandt, Yrlandt... | McCord Museum
Pas-Caart vant Canaal vertoonende in't Gheheel Engelandt, Schotlandt, Yrlandt...
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Pas-Caart vant Canaal vertoonende in't Gheheel Engelandt, Schotlandt, Yrlandt...
Pas-Caart vant Canaal vertoonende in't Gheheel Engelandt, Schotlandt, Yrlandt...

Nautical chart

Pas-Caart vant Canaal vertoonende in't Gheheel Engelandt, Schotlandt, Yrlandt...
Artist (1616-1675)
Artist (1608-1645)
Inscriptionscartouche h. g.: Pas-Caart vant / Canaal / vertoonende in t Gheheel / Engelandt, Schotlandt, Yrlandt / en een gedeelte van Vrancryck. / Op nieus oversien en verbeter; cartouche b. d.: t'Amsterdam / By Pieter Goos op't water by de / N:brugh inde ze-Spiegel 1675.; b. g.: Gesneden by Gerard Coeck
Date 1675
Medium / Technique Ink on paper
DimensionsHeight: 45.2 cm (17 13/16 in.) Image width: 54.2 cm (21 5/16 in.) Width: 55.1 cm (21 11/16 in.) Image height: 44.2 cm (17 3/8 in.)
Origin Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands, Europe
Object Number1979.277
Not on view

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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.