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Pamphlet - Houdini exposes the tricks used by the Boston medium "Margery" to win the $2500 prize offered by the Scientific American | McCord Museum
« Houdini exposes the tricks used by the Boston medium "Margery" to win the $2500 prize offered by the Scientific American »
« Houdini exposes the tricks used by the Boston medium "Margery" to win the $2500 prize offered by the Scientific American »


Houdini exposes the tricks used by the Boston medium "Margery" to win the $2500 prize offered by the Scientific American
Date 1924
Dimensions1 textual record ; 23 × 15.3 cm
Origin New York, New York, United States
Object NumberM2014.128.705.49
CreditPurchase, funds graciously donated by La Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso

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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
Houdini Exposes the Tricks Used By the Boston Medium "Margery" to Win the $2500 Prize Offered By the Scientific American
Houdini Exposes the Tricks Used By the Boston Medium "Margery" to Win the $2500 Prize Offered By the Scientific American
Harry Houdini
John H. Frothingham, Boston, about 1863
John H. Frothingham, Boston, about 1863
John Adams Whipple
About 1863
Samuel May, aged 90, Boston, MA, about 1863
Samuel May, aged 90, Boston, MA, about 1863
John Adams Whipple
About 1863
Spiritualistic Exposes by Houdini
Spiritualistic Exposes by Houdini
David Price
Harry Houdini exposes psychic fraud, New York Hippodrome, NY, 1925
Harry Houdini exposes psychic fraud, New York Hippodrome, NY, 1925
Wide World
About 1925
Old and new Montreal: with a series of comparative views illustrating the growth and development of the greater city
Old and new Montreal: with a series of comparative views illustrating the growth and development of the greater city
International Press Syndicate
Houdini's Startling  Expose of Chicago's Fake Medium
Houdini's Startling Expose of Chicago's Fake Medium
Inconnu / Unknown
Jugement Souverain de monsieur l'Indendant de la Generalite de Montauban. Qui condamne des Particuliers accusés de la Sedition & Rebellion arrivée en la Ville de Tulle, Généralité de Montauban, contre les Employés de la Ferme du Tabac, les uns à faire Amende-honorable nuds en chemise, la corde au col, & chacun une Torche de cire ardente du poids de deux livres, & à être pendus & étranglés jusqu'à ce que mort s'ensuive ; ordonne que leurs corps morts seront portés aux Fourches Patibulaires pour y être exposés. Et les autres aux Galeres, confiscation de biens, amendes, & Bannissemens. Du 4. Decembre 1723.
December 4, 1723
Wildflower pattern
Wildflower pattern
Adams & Co., 1861-1891
Portrait of an unidentified young boy, Waterloo, Quebec, 1874-1892
Portrait of an unidentified young boy, Waterloo, Quebec, 1874-1892
John Quincy Adams Randall
Portrait of an unidentified family, Waterloo, Quebec, 1874-1892
Portrait of an unidentified family, Waterloo, Quebec, 1874-1892
John Quincy Adams Randall
Winnie Hills, Waterloo , Quebec, 1874-1892
Winnie Hills, Waterloo , Quebec, 1874-1892
John Quincy Adams Randall

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.