This collection concerns the history of Canada from mid 19th to late 20th century. It consists of directories containing information on cities, towns and villages in Canada, their inhabitants and occupations. Most of the directories, however, are for Montreal and Quebec City. In general, these directories also include information on nearby towns and villages.
The directories contain lists of residents, either arranged in alphabetical order or listed by street. They also generally include sections devoted to the businesses, institutions and services found in the two cities. There is generally a section providing the addresses (or telephone numbers, for the more recent directories) of post offices, law courts, charity organizations, churches, banks, transportation companies, newspapers, various services (insurance, gas, etc.), hospitals and health care professionals, clubs, etc. These organizations and businesses are usually grouped together and indexed at the start or end of the directories. Some of the directories also have lists (or "guides") to the city's streets.
The directories contain a good deal of advertising, quite a bit of it illustrated, and some include maps of Montreal or Quebec City.
Classification Scheme
Canadian Directories
C623/A Montreal Directories
C623/A01 Mackay's Montreal
C623/A02 Lovell's Montreal
C623/A03 Bell Official
Telephone Directory
C623/A04 Thomas Doige Directory
C623/A05 Lovell's Street Guide
to Montreal
C623/A06 Lovell's Classified
Business Directory
C623/A07 The Red Book
C623/B Quebec City Directories
C623/B01 The Quebec Directory
C623/B02 McLaughlin's Quebec
C623/C National Directories
C623/C01 Lovell's Canadian
Dominion Directory
C623/C02 The Canada Directory
C623/D Province of Quebec
C623/D01 Lovell's Province of
Quebec Business Directory
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.