This scrapbook, the first in a series of thirteen produced by Gilberte Christin de Cardaillac, chronicles her private life, studies, interests and social activities over a period of nearly four years.
From the ages of 11 to 15, this young Westmounter studying at the Convent of the Sacred Heart filled this book with typed and handwritten texts (including several compositions and assignments), report cards, song lyrics, press clippings about people like the royal family and the nobility, rebus puzzles and riddles, sketches, guest lists and invitations, and pictures of celebrities.
Source of title proper: Based on the type of document.
Language: The document is in French and English, but primarily in French.
Last update: February 15, 2019
Information about the objects in our collection is updated to reflect new research findings. If you have any information to share regarding this object, please email about rights and reproductions is available here.
This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.