For most of its history, Canada has been defended by either French or English regular troops working in conjunction with local militia units. It was only in 1871 that the last British regulars left central Canada and the first Canadian regular army units were formed. Canadian forces were involved in the supression of the Northwest Rebellion of 1885, the Boer War of 1899-1902 and the First World War, 1914-1918. Although during the First World War the Canadian Corps was technically part of the British army it was commanded by a Canadian, Sir Arthur Currie and enjoyed some measure of autonomy. Until 1917, when conscription was instituted by the Borden government, the Canadian forces were made up entirely of volunteers.
Scope and Content
This collection primarily contains official documents pertaining to Canadian military history. These include orderly books, 1782-1783; general orders, 1786-1789, 1830-1851; roll book of No.3 Co. 3rd Victoria Rifles, 1875; correspondence of military officials concerning the career of Quarter Master Sergeant William Clarke, 1827-1841, legal dispositions and records of conviction of persons who aided deserters, 1798-1799; the rules and regulations of the Royal Montreal Cavalry, 1831; and the journal of the No. 3 Canadian General Hospital (McGill), 1915. The official financial records include warrants and correspondence authorizing the payment of soldiers, 1766-1786, 1806-1811; and a supply contract, 1794. Other papers include a diary of Marguerite Gault, 1914.
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.