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Commemorative teapot
Charles Hougham
Charles Hollinshed
InscriptionsIncised on one side, To the Honble James McGill, Esq. in memory of a sincere friend, 1807; engraved on other side, John Paterson ob. 25 June 1806, Oct.74.(...)
On reverse: He was a Man eminently distinguished through Life, for the Rectitude of his Heart, and Integrity of his Conduct, and no less endeared to his Friends, by the social Virtues of Benevolence Sincerity and Affection.
Marks or LabelsHallmarks underneath: Lion passant (England); Leopard's head (London); King's head (George III); "L" (date letter); CH (maker's mark)
Dimensions21 x 15.5 x 14.5 cm
England, London
Object NumberM2615
CreditGift of David Ross McCord
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H. A. C. 1537 A & H.A.C. 1638 October 5th 1903
Charles Ahrenfeldt
About 1903
This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.